What Is an Administrator in WordPress

An administrator in WordPress is a user who has access to all the administrative features of a WordPress site. This includes managing users, posts, pages, settings, and themes. Admins have full access to a WordPress site and can execute any action they wish. 

Types of Administrator

There are two types of administrators in WordPress: 

  • Super Administrators 
  • Site Administrators 

Super administrators have full control over a WordPress multisite network, while the site administrators have full control over a single WordPress site. 

Administrators can be created when a WordPress site is first installed or by adding new users through the Users > Add New screen. When creating a new user, the role can be set to administrator. 

Administrators can also be created by promoting existing WordPress users. You can promote a user to an administrator by clicking the Edit link next to them on the Users > All Users screen. On the Edit User page, select the Administrator role from the role drop-down menu. 

Administrators have the ability to perform any action on a WordPress site, including installing and activating themes and plugins, managing posts and pages, adding and removing users, and changing site settings. 

While administrators have full control over a WordPress site, it is important to use this power wisely and only perform actions that are necessary. Performing unnecessary actions can lead to errors and instability on a WordPress site. 

If you are not an administrator on a WordPress site, you will not be able to access the administrative features of the site. An administrator on the site will be able to perform an action for you if you need administrator access.